©Stephen Glass
The RRC provides a searchable database of restoration projects from around the world intended to serve as a resource for practitioners, researchers, educators, students, and the general public. Projects have been freely contributed by users of the SER website, or have been compiled from publicly available information by SER staff or other designees of SER. Expand the filter tool below to search for projects by country, region, biome, ecosystem, cause of degradation, or any combination of these factors.
Although SER does review all submissions for relevance, quality, and completeness before approving them for inclusion in the database, they are not subjected to peer review nor has project information been independently verified in the field. SER therefore makes no claim as to the accuracy of the information presented here or the degree to which the methods, techniques, and strategies used for a particular project adhere to generally accepted standards for ecological restoration practice. Anyone interested in learning more about a particular project is encouraged to contact the project lead or the responsible organization directly for further information.
If you have field experiences you’d like to share, we encourage you to submit your own project to the database!

The Project Database is generously supported by Stantec
Actions to restore habitats of community interest in the SAC Muela de Cortes y El Caroche
Country: Spain
Abstract: SAC Muela de Cortes y El Caroche is a hotspot of biodiversity and provides a wide range of ecosystem services, as it is one of the most extensive semi-natural areas of the Valencian Community. However, this area has experienced recurrent wildfires in recent decades, including large wildfires. Rural abandonment has also contributed to landscape homogenization, and the dominance of woody communities. This project aims to develop a mosaic landscape with shrub formations, dry grasslands, and...Restoration of species-rich field margins: Best practice examples at the campus of Hochschule Anhalt, Germany
Country: Germany
Abstract: Overview: The campus of the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences hosts several experimental sites supporting the biodiversity of higher plants, insects, and other organism groups in intensively used agricultural landscapes, serving educative and research purposes, and increasing the aesthetical value. These experimental sites include several species-rich field margins established from a regional seed mixture. Background: The historical landscape was composed of a mosaic of various types of...Near-natural restoration of urban sites: Best practice examples in the campus of the University of South Bohemia
Country: Czech Republic
Abstract: Overview: The campus of the University of South Bohemia hosts several experimental sites supporting the biodiversity of higher plants, insects, and other groups of organisms in the urban environment, serving educative and research purposes, and increasing the aesthetical value. These experimental sites include the Faculty Garden sand dune, flowering strips, extensively mown grasslands, and a meadow newly established from a regional seed mixture. Background: The historical landscape was...Hjerkinn PRO, restoration of a military training area in Norway into a National Park
Country: Norway
Abstract: The Hjerkinn military training area at Dovrefjell, Norway, used to be the largest military training facility in southern Norway, 165 km2. Soldiers from Norway and allied countries used the area for training and testing of equipment and ammunition until 2008. In 1999 The Norwegian Parliament decided to closed down the existing military training area and an overall goal of restoring the area. The large scale restoration project started in 2008 and was completed in 2021. The outcome from the...Kenilworth Marsh Tidal Wetland Restoration, Washington D.C.
Country: United States of America
Abstract: The Kenilworth Marsh tidal wetland restoration project is located in Washington, District of Columbia, United States. The goal of the project was to restore areas degraded from a suite of long-term impacts including river sedimentation, contamination, and channelization. Besides the impacts of altered hydrology on the wetlands, original site substrates and vegetation were buried under dredge spoils and covered with a landfill. Work began with a review of historical changes to the site,...Early Tallgrass Prairie Restoration at Homestead National Historical Park
Country: United States of America
Abstract: Homestead National Historical Park (formerly Homestead National Monument of America) in southeastern Nebraska was established in 1936 at the site of Daniel Freeman’s original homestead from 1863. Encompassing 100 acres of tallgrass prairie that had been converted into agricultural land and 60 acres of woodland fringing a creek, the monument underwent restoration by the National Park Service in 1939 in an attempt to restore the prairie that Freeman would have discovered upon his arrival at the...Pecos National Historical Park Glorieta Creek Wetland-Riparian Restoration
Country: United States of America
Abstract: This project was focused on restoring the floodplain and terraces along Glorieta Creek within Pecos National Historical Park (NHP), which is located in northern New Mexico (United States) near the town of Pecos. Pecos NHP is near the intersection of the Rocky Mountains, Great Plains, and Sonoran Desert physiographic provinces at an elevation of approximately 7000 feet. The project encompassed a half-mile stretch of floodplain and terraces along lower Glorieta Creek, which was mined for sand and...First successful mountain forest restoration in central Argentina 25 years later
Country: Argentina
Abstract: The high mountains of central Argentina are losing their soils due to livestock, fires, trampling by vehicles and trekkers, in combination with a reduced forest cover, cold temperatures, a long dry season and heavy rains. With the goal of restoring a portion of forest and reducing soil erosion, in 1997 I selected a 22 ha site devoid of forest and where 30% of the soil surface was lost. The “Quebrada de los Refugios” is near my home town and land owners were in agreement. With volunteer help...Quarries rehabilitation for landscape improvement in Kruja, Albania
Country: Albania
Abstract: A large number of abandoned quarries, which have served to produce building materials, decorative stones and various inert materials, are located, more or less, throughout the territory between Fushekruja and Kruja cities, in Albania. Albania, as in all of Europe and beyond, is taking more measures strict, imposing more environmental restrictions on the activity of quarries. Also, the decade 2021-2030, promulgated on March 1, 2019 by The United Nations General Assembly as “Decade of Nations...Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan for Ecosystem Restoration:
Our project is in full relevance with The Society for Ecological Restoration Mission.
Coalición Restauración Ecosistemas Santurcinos, San Juan Puerto Rico
Country: Puerto Rico
Abstract: Proyect is foucus on coastal restoration on the most urbanized area of Puerto Rico at San Juan and Carolina. We identify ecosystems surrounding areas, educate about ecosystem services, and stablish contigent value. With outreach we involve the community interest to create planns for efficient management at very low cost. We need to improve the outreach becouse people sometimes get territorial and get against the proyect. For example, on the sand dunes restoration proyect the concesionaries...Riparian reforestation project: Berg and Breede River Systems, Western Cape, South Africa
Country: South Africa
Abstract: The Reforest Action Project is located in the Western Cape, South Africa focusing on rehabilitation of riparian zones along the Berg and Breede Rivers. Reforest Action Project is privately funded with FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) as a project partner . There are three main implementing partners involved in the project: Breedekloof Wine and Tourism (BWT), Intaba Environmental Services and Wolseley Water User's Association. The project has a three year time span (initiated in Jan 2021) and...Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan for Ecosystem Restoration:
Our funding budget is very restrictive in developing short term action plans.
Chemical Free Farming by Restoring Soil & Water table: Conserve Local Biodiversity
Country: India
Abstract: GPS location : 22 degree 18'04. 1" N and 72 degree 58'32.6" E Name: Devapura, Gujarat, India Agro biodiversity still falls under the category of being a "poorly defined emerging issue" In general, countries have taken agro-biodiversity to refer primarily to crop genetic resources, as this is where most of the conservation efforts have been focused. further, the chemical free agriculture not only restores the soil but also restore the native fauna, water table by decreasing the weeds....Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan for Ecosystem Restoration:
Forest restoration in Sahyadri, the Northern Western Ghats.
Country: India
Abstract: A forest restoration project is being implemented on a privately owned land in hilly area, at Wan-kusawade, Taluka Patan, District Satara in Maharashtra, India. It is part of hilly region locally known as Sahyadri, the Northern Western Ghat. This area forms catchment of Koyna backwaters, one of the largest hydro-electric projects and adjacent to Koyna wildlife sanctuary. Being part of Western Ghats, the climatically climax ecosystem is ‘semi-evergreen tropical forests’, with very high...Reforestation & Climate Change Mitigation: tests, evaluation and transfer of innovative methods based on fog collection
Country: Spain, Portugal
Abstract: The Life NIEBLAS project will be held in Portugal and in two areas of Spain: Catalonia and the Canary Islands. It aims to test innovative fog collectors and typologies of reforestation based on fog water collection, that don't significantly increase the carbon footprint compared to the traditional typologies, taking into account: their effectiveness, costs and benefits, including as far as possible, the externalities they produce. Specific objectives: Demonstrate and disseminate the...Hirola Restoration Project, Kenya
Country: Kenya
Abstract: The hirola Restoration Project focuses on rangeland restoration for the critically endangered hirola antelope (Beatragus hunteri) in eastern Kenya. With a global population of fewer than 500 individuals, the hirola is considered the world’s most endangered antelope. Historically hirola occurred in open savannah grassland with <30% tree cover, however, recent satellite imagery indicates a ~ 300% increase in tree cover over the last 27 years. This increase has been associated with elephant...Beirut’s RiverLESS Forest
Country: Lebanon
Abstract: Beirut has only 0.8 sqm of green space/capita, versus the WHO recommended 9 sqm/capita. The Beirut River is an Important Bird Area (IBA 4), it is undoubtedly one of the most important areas for bird migration in Lebanon, with important threatened species relying on the valley during spring migration. Due to the deteriorating condition of the Beirut River watershed especially in the city, we have seen a major loss of wildlife and insect habitat downstream the river. After 6 months of the first...Restore with Resilience [Coral Reefs]
Country: United States of America
Abstract: Rising temperatures threaten coral reefs, which dissipate wave and storm energy to protect nearby shorelines for nearly 200 million people worldwide. To enhance coastal protection, this novel project will identify thermally tolerant coral stocks, propagate in nurseries and outplant at three sites on O’ahu, Hawai’i. Federal, state, academic and non-profit partners will test the efficacy of this strategy and evaluate best practices that will be transferable to increase efforts across the...Sylvan Lake Avon-by-the-Sea, NJ
Country: United States of America
Abstract: Sylvan lake is one of a series nine "coastal lakes" which historically discharged into the Atlantic Ocean. Along a strip of Monmouth County, NJ, these lakes form the boundaries of the towns. Sylvan Lake divides Avon on the south with Bradley Beach to the north. A valve is shut to the ocean, so the lake has reverted to freshwater. The town of Avon bid this project to convert hard retaining wall to natural living shoreline.Renature Monchique
Country: Portugal
Abstract: The primary objective of this partner-based project is to begin a process that assists private landowners within the municipal district of Monchique, Algarve Region, Portugal, affected by the wildfire of 2018. As most landowners have small-holdings, the project-based process required to access financial support is onerous and in many instances linked to reforestation legislation. The one-year project is funded by the Ryanair passengers Carbon Offset Fund. Based on ecological restoration...Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan for Ecosystem Restoration:
Recover fire-damaged and degraded sites
Princess Vlei Restoration Project for the Greater Princess Vlei Conservation Area, Cape Town, South Africa
Country: South Africa
Abstract: The Princess Vlei Restoration Project takes place in the Greater Princess Vlei Conservation Area (GPVCA), a wetland in Cape Town, South Africa. The GPVCA is located in a low income area, disadvantaged by apartheid spatial planning. Racially discriminatory policies led to the area being neglected by authorities, resulting in the degradation of its ecological integrity. A proposal by the City of Cape Town (COCT) to build a shopping mall on site was defeated by community protest action, which...Restoring degraded forests in Uganda
Country: Uganda
Abstract: Under the Bonn Challenge, Uganda has pledged to restore 2.5 million ha of land by 2020. This pledge represents a huge opportunity for delivering species conservation, increasing biodiversity on farms, and delivering genetically and taxonomically diverse ecological restoration that benefits people and wildlife. Uganda has 849 native tree species; 30 are globally threatened. Tooro Botanical Gardens (TBG) is situated in Fort Portal in Western Uganda. TBG has been working with local communities...Rangeland rehabilitation through invasive species management in Laikipia, Kenya
Country: Kenya
Abstract: Opuntia stricta is a problematic invasive cactus species in many of the world's drylands, including Laikipia, Kenya (Shackleton et al., 2017). This project focuses on Makurian Group Ranch, a communally managed rangeland in the Mukogodo area of Laikipia. The members of this Maasai community are pastoralists whose livelihoods depend on livestock husbandry and the O. stricta invasion is perceived as a more serious threat than insufficient grazing (Shackleton et al., 2017). A biological control...Onrus Peatland under fire. Hermanus, South Africa (Lat: -34.389527 & Lon: 19.227932.
Country: South Africa
Abstract: The Onrus peatland is dominated by the plant palmiet (Prionium serratum), an endemic plant to Southern Africa and the only species in its family. This unchannelled valley-bottom wetland is 33ha in size and is situated near the coastal town of Hermanus, South Africa (Lat: -34.389527 & Lon: 19.227932. The Onrus wetland is underlain with peat and plays an important role in climate change mitigation. The Onrus catchment is home to the water supply dam of the town of Hermanus. The...Restoring abandoned salt pans as a waterbird habitat.
Country: South Africa
Abstract: A solar saltworks at Swartkops Estuary, Port Elizabeth (Eastern Cape, South Africa) was abandoned in 2018 due to the continuous theft and vandalism of the infrastructure. While operational, the salt pans were utilized diverse waterbird communities (of resident and migrant species), and formed an integral component of the Swartkops Global Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA). The salt pans were particularly important for providing safe nesting sites for resident species in the form of salt...Buwerimwe Secondary School Forest Reforestation Project (Marange Communal Area)
Country: Zimbabwe
Abstract: 19°23'20.5"S 32°15'53.2"E Mutare https://goo.gl/maps/gzBdAfWZPHn Marange is in Zimbabwe’s Natural Region IV. The region receives annual rainfall of about 650mm and is erratic. Temperatures can reach highs of 35 degrees Celsius during most part of the year. These climatic conditions make it difficult for meaningful crop production to take place, worsening the livelihoods and food security in the area, leaving forests as the only livelihood option. The restoration project is located at...Reversing land degradation in Africa by scaling up Evergreen Agriculture
Country: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia
Abstract: Regreening Africa is an ambitious five-year project that seeks to reverse land degradation among 500,000 households, and across one million hectares in eight countries in sub-Saharan Africa. By incorporating trees into croplands, communal lands and pastoral areas, regreening efforts make it possible to reclaim Africa’s degraded landscapes. The overall objective of the project is to improve livelihoods, food security and resilience to climate change by smallholder farmers in Africa, and to...USA: Minnesota: Oak Savanna Restoration along an Urban River
Country: United States of America
Abstract: The Mississippi River Gorge, in the heart of the Twin Cities in Minnesota, is one of the most significant features of the entire 2,350-mile long Mississippi River. Oak savanna was once a common ecosystem in Minnesota, covering about 10% of the state, but it is now rare habitat because of fire suppression activities, farming, and development. Oak savannas are highly diverse because they are transition zones from woodland to prairie. An oak savanna restoration project has been implemented and...USA: Washington: Elwha Dam Removal and River Restoration
Country: United States of America
Abstract: In the late 1800s, the Northwest region was used to supply the lumber needed to build new cities throughout the growing United States, bringing rapid change to the Olympic Peninsula. The Elwha River was severely altered as a result. In the early 1900s, two dams, Elwha and Glines Canyon, were built. The dams fueled regional growth, but blocked salmon migration upstream, disrupted the flow of sediment and wood downstream, and flooded the historic homelands and cultural sites of the Lower Elwha...Chile: Restoring and Rewilding Patagonia Grasslands in the Chacabuco Valley
Country: Chile
Abstract: Patagonia’s 400 million acres of temperate grasslands support a unique biological and cultural heritage, and provide many important ecosystem services such as clean air and water, forage for livestock, carbon sequestration, and habitat for wildlife. In 2004, the NGO Conservación Patagónica bought a 222,000-acre property that was formerly an overgrazed ranch in the Chacabuco Valley. Conservación Patagónica aimed restore the native grasslands and wildlife, and create a park to eventually...China: Tianjin Bridge Park – Bringing Adaptive Regeneration to Urban Wetland Restoration Design
Country: China
Abstract: In 2005, in response to calls from residents to improve a 22-hectare deserted shooting range used as a garbage dump, the municipal government of Tianjin, China decided to create a park. The government contracted landscape architecture firm Turenscape to create The Bridge Park in downtown Tianjin. Rather than just create a traditional park, the design aimed to use adaptive regeneration to restore a self-producing ecosystem to the landscape and in addition to a beautiful urban park. Simple...