Quality Assurance Best Practices for Data Review: IERQC Webinar
September 3, 2019
Topic: Quality Assurance Best Practices for Data Review Presenter: Craig Palmer, GDIT
September 3, 2019
Topic: Quality Assurance Best Practices for Data Review Presenter: Craig Palmer, GDIT
Topic: Implementation of Successful Invasive Species Management Across Property Boundaries Presenter: Shawn Duke, Cardno
Topic: Integrated Restoration Prioritization: A Strategic Tool for Improving Natural Systems in the Greater Toronto Area Presenter: Andrew Ramesbottom Topic: Determining Practical Key Performance Measures for Ecological Restoration Practitioners: Challenges and Considerations. Presenter: Patrick Esson
Topic: Implementation of Habitat in the Detroit Area of Concern (AOC) – Stony and Celeron Islands Presenters: John O’Meary, Sam Lovall, Robert Burns, Alice Bailey, and Tricia Blicharski
Topic: Minnesota Legacy Fund Restoration Evaluation Program Presenters: Wade Johnson and Gina Quiram, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources
Topic: The “Biggest”, the “Baddest”, and the “Bestest” – Coastal Restoration Cajun Style Presenter: Kris Thoemke and Greg Grandy, Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc
Topic: An International Collaborative and Adaptive Management Framework to Manage Invasive Phragmites in the Great Lakes Basin Presenter: Kurt Kowalski, US Geological Survey
Presenter: Guy Meadows (Michigan Technological University) and Richard Norton (University of Michigan)
August 26, 2019
August 25, 2019