Great Lakes Legacy Act: Quality Systems Process and Data Management: IERQC Webinar
September 4, 2019
Topic: Great Lakes Legacy Act: Quality Systems Process and Data Management Presenter: Mark Loomis, USEPA
September 4, 2019
Topic: Great Lakes Legacy Act: Quality Systems Process and Data Management Presenter: Mark Loomis, USEPA
Topic: The Michigan Dune Alliance: Restoring Eastern Lake Michigan Coastal Ecosystems Presenter: Shaun Howard, The Nature Conservancy
Topic: Pre- and Post-Restoration Vegetative Data Collection for the CICN Dolomite Prairie Enhancement Project, Will County, Illinois Presenter: Paul Bollinger, Bollinger Environmental Inc
September 3, 2019
Topic: Geddes Brook Floodplain Remediation and Restoration: Design, Execution, and Lessons Learned Presenter: Raymond D’Hollander, Parsons
Topic: Managing Wisconsin’s Plant List in SRS: So Many Names, So Little Time Presenters: Donalea Dinsmore, Tom Bernthal, John Harnan, Dan McCarthy, WDNR and EPA
Topic: Harvesting invasive plants from Great Lakes coastal wetlands increases biodiversity, removes nutrients, and provides biomass for green energy Presenter: Shane Lishawa, Loyola University
Topic: NERRS System Wide Monitoring Program Presenter: Kristi Arend, Old Woman Creek NERR and OH state nature preserve
Topic: Assessment of Project-level Quality Documentation for Ecological Restoration Projects Presenter: Blume, Telech, and Amos, EPA and CSGov
Topic: Field Samples to Spreadsheets: Biological Assessment Protocols as a Series of Methods Presenter: James Stribling, Tetra Tech
Topic: QC Checks in Ecological Restoration Presenter: Brick Fevold, CSRA