Project Design and Evaluation Course Overview: IERQC Webinar
September 4, 2019
Topic: Project Design and Evaluation Course Overview Presenter: Nina Garfield, NOAA Coastal Services Center
September 4, 2019
Topic: Project Design and Evaluation Course Overview Presenter: Nina Garfield, NOAA Coastal Services Center
Topic: National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) – Quality Assurance in the Field Presenter: NARS Team, USEPA
Topic: Ensuring Quality of Subsamples of Large Catches of Fish Presenter: Martin Stapanian, US Geological Survey
Topic: Ashland Chequamegon Bay Shoreland Restoration Project: Evaluating the Ecological Benefits of Green Infrastructure on Watershed Protection Presenter: Brick Fevold and Michael Meyer, WDNR
Topic: Chicago Region Floristic Quality Assessment Calculator Presenter: Brook Herman, US Army Corps of Engineers
Topic: Implementing Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Presenter: Matthew J. Cooper, University of Notre Dame
Topic: Northeast Illinois Ravine Restoration, Monitoring, Rapid Assessments Presenter: Angela Larson, Alliance for the Great Lakes
Topic: Fish passage barriers and their removal Presenter: Steve Lanigan
Topic: A Brief Overview of the Data Collection Quality Assurance System Presenter: Jason Morrison, US Forest Service
Topic: Using Monitoring Data to Guide Management Decisions at Spring Peeper Meadow Wetland Restoration Presenters: Julia L Bohnen and Susan M. Galatowitsch, University of Minnesota