General Decision Process for Managing Invasive Plant Species in Garry Oak and Associated Ecosystems November 16, 2017 by
Expediting Reforestation in Tropical Grasslands: Distance and Isolation from Seed Sources in Plantations by
Experimental Restoration of a Salt Marsh with Some Comments on Ecological Restoration of Coastal Vegetated Ecosystems in Korea by
Experimental Tree Assemblages on the Ecological Rehabilitation of a Cloud Forest in Veracruz, Mexico by
Experiments on Ecological Restoration of Coal Mine Spoil using Native Trees in a Dry Tropical Environment, India: A Synthesis by
Exploiting the Attributes of Regional Ecosystems for Landscape Design: The Role of Ecological Restoration in Ecological Engineering by
Facets of Grassland Restoration: Selected Papers from the International Field Seminar held at the Galichya Gora Nature Reserve (Russia) by
Facilitating Recruitment of Amphibolis as a Novel Approach to Seagrass Rehabilitation in Hydrodynamically Active Waters by