Advancing Forest Landscape Restoration in Sub-Sahara Africa: Articulating knowledge gaps in interventions’ design and in governance challenges and institutional arrangements


The momentum of Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) across Africa is increasing with the active involvement of 28 countries in the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative. Like other existing environmental mechanisms well-grounded conceptually, the risk of falling short on intended outcomes in line with FLR’ ambitious promises are high and avoiding such scenario from the early…


Placing marine ecosystem restoration in the context of international policy and global targets: Synergies and trade-offs


The recent UN General Assembly Resolution for the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration (73/284) is one of a number of resolutions from a variety of conventions and multilateral environmental agreements (e.g. the Convention of Biological Diversity) highlighting the potential for marine ecosystem restoration to bring about the transformative change required. Furthermore, marine ecosystem restoration has…


Integrated Restoration System – a web-platform for large scale restoration


Some countries are seeking to achieve their Bonn Challenge goals and implement their forest landscape restoration commitments. Monitoring the evolution towards the pledged goals is fundamental to ensure the success of these commitments. The Integrated Restoration System – or SIR, the Portuguese acronym, is a web-system with a spatial database that allows and facilitates the…


A typology of worldwide Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) projects


Recent worldwide commitments, such as the Bonn Challenge and the New York Declaration on Forests, have placed Forest and Landscape Restoration on the agenda of countries worldwide as a means to attain sustainable development goals and mitigate climate change. Given these social and ecological goals, FLR programs should incorporate ecological, social, historical, and economic dimensions…


Gondwana Link – are we there yet?


Gondwana Link, a program established in 2002, is focused on achieving transformational restoration of  habitats and ecosystem functions across 1000 kilometres of south-western Australia. Much has been achieved that we can be proud of. This ranges from the technical, such as the practical restoration techniques adopted for patch scale replanting in habitat gaps to achieve…
