Tropical forest natural regeneration: predicting successes and accessing uncertainties

December 22, 2019


Natural regeneration and the outcomes arising from it vary widely across multiple spatial and temporal scales and are affected by linked environmental and socioeconomic drivers. Investors operating in different businesses usually avoid high-risk transactions, which likely constrains the flow of financial resources to restoration initiatives that are perceived as uncertain and risky. Although predicting both…


Global restoration opportunities in tropical rainforest landscapes


Over 140 Mha of large-scale restoration commitments have been pledged across the global tropics, yet guidance is needed to identify those landscapes where implementation is likely to provide the greatest potential benefits and cost-effective outcomes. We identify restoration opportunities in lowland tropical rainforest landscapes by overlaying seven recent, peer-reviewed spatial datasets as proxies for the…


Capacity building for restoring land


The status of the global environment has deteriorated in the last decades, with major increases in degraded land, freshwater uses and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Land degradation has become a major threat to both earth’s ecosystems and human livelihoods, accelerating climate change, causing land to be more predisposed to natural disasters, risking food security,…


Socio-economic factors affecting adoption of soil and water conservation measures in Malawi


The Department of Land Resources Conservation and other stakeholders have been promoting Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) measures in Malawi for decades. Despite these efforts, it has been noted that the adoption of the technologies is still low. The 2016 soil loss study found that the average soil loss has increased from 20 tons/ha/year to…
