Intraspecific trait variation of species commonly used in southwestern United States aridland restoration at early developmental stages

December 21, 2019


In recent decades, quantitative trait-based models have been used to predict how plant communities develop under variable environmental conditions. Trait values obtained from mature plants are typically used to inform such models. These values may not be appropriate for understanding the development of restored communities for two reasons: (1) trait values from different populations of…


Managing dynamic freshwater ecosystems with the competing demands of built environments and biodiversity: An assessment of the rehabilitation of the Dawidskraal wetlands, South Africa


This paper considers some of the challenges affecting rehabilitation projects where protection of urban infrastructure that potentially compromises ecosystem function and sustainability is required in an area with high conservation value. It provides critical assessment of the outcomes of major structural interventions and early-stage evaluations of rehabilitation outcomes. The Dawidskraal wetlands are extensive valley-bottom wetlands,…


Challenges and opportunities of Forest Landscape Restoration implementation in the context of Latin America (20X20 Initiative) and Africa (AFR100)


Both Initiative 20×20 in Latin America and the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100) support the Bonn Challenge and the New York Declaration. Together the initiatives are aiming to achieve 163 million hectares by 2030. To achieve these ambitious goals it is crucial to consider the specific opportunities and challenges faced in each region and…
