Why and How Implementing Rights of Wetlands Can Enhance Restoration and More

Gillian Davis, Bethanie Walder, Dr. Matthew Simpson

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The emerging approach of recognizing the Rights of Nature in Wetlands (ROW) strengthens the bond between people and wetlands, enhancing ecological restoration. ROW underscores our intrinsic connection to nature – a reciprocal relationship. This viewpoint, embedded in history and diverse cultures, is championed by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. Evidence highlights that Indigenous Lands shield the environment, curbing degradation and emissions. Traditional wisdom safeguards habitats and their socio-ecological balance. This discussion illuminates how nurturing our link with wetlands and Nature bolsters restoration efforts. Insights into implementing ROW for better outcomes will be presented, along with supporting resources. These include “Rights of Wetlands: Transforming Our Relationship with Wetlands” pamphlet, the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Wetlands, peer-reviewed journal articles, and the Rights of Wetlands website.

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Why and How Implementing Rights of Wetlands Can Enhance Restoration and More
