Publication Date:
The UN-REDD Programme, which supports ecosystem restoration as a tool to sequester carbon, developed the Benefits and Risks Tool (BeRT). The BerRTÂ is designed to support countries in identifying benefits and risks associated with REDD+ actions, as well as relevant Policies, Laws and Regulations. The tool also supports countries developing Safeguard Information Systems (SIS) for implementing REDD+ activities. REDD+ activities, as defined by the UNFCCC, includes the enhancement of forest carbon stocks, which may be implemented through restoration interventions.
Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan on Ecosystem
The BerRT, in line with activity B1, is designed to support countries in identifying benefits and risks associated with REDD+ actions in the context of the Cancun safeguards (B5), as well as relevant Policies, Laws and Regulations.
- B1: Review, improve or establish legal, policy and financial frameworks for restoration
- B5: Consider the need for safeguard measures
Resource Type:
Technical Document
UN REDD Programme