There is hope for achieving ambitious commitments of Atlantic Forest restoration

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Renato Crouzeilles

Publication Date:

Achieving ambitious global restoration commitments is a huge challenge. The Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact, created in 2009 as a movement to restore 15 Mha of degraded/deforested lands by 2050, pledged 1 Mha towards the 2020 Bonn Challenge. The Pact defined and accounted as “Forest Landscape Restoration” only native vegetation recovery as the aim of the movement is to promote biodiversity conservation, nature’s contribution to people, a native species forest-based economy, and contribute to the implementation of public policies demanding ecological restoration. We documented the restoration of estimated 673,510-740,555 ha of degraded/deforested lands from 2011 to 2015 in the Atlantic Forest and expect that a total of 1.35-1.48 Mha of native forests will be under recovery by 2020. This is one of the first Brazilian restoration initiatives to monitor its international restoration commitment and provide evidence that established ambitious targets can be reached. Part of this success in large-scale restoration is related to three main Pact initiatives: i) governance, communication, and articulation; ii) monitoring system; and iii) vision and strategies to influence public policies. The experience and lessons learned by the Pact could be used: i) to guide, systematically, official governments and organizations monitoring reports about progress towards national and global commitments, ii) to inspire other restoration initiatives and commitments, iii) as a roadmap on how to create enabling conditions for large scale restoration to contribute to achieving global restoration commitments, and iv) to present a “bottom-up” smart governance mechanism that includes people in the restoration supply chain.

Resource Type:
Audio/Video, Conference Presentation, SER2019

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Society for Ecological Restoration