Li, E.H., G.H. Liu, W. Li, L.Y. Yuan and S.C. Li
Publication Date:
The abundance and species composition in the seed-bank and extant vegetation were investigated in a lakeshore wetland. Our results indicated that a lakeshore wetland seed-bank with viable seeds and high species richness can be used as a macrophyte pool in degraded wetland restoration. Vegetation produced from such a seed-bank will have species similar to the pre-disturbance assemblage. The large number of viable seeds that we found conserved in deeper layers suggests that the most valuable macrophyte pools are conserved at depth. With disturbance, these seeds could be brought back to the surface, and serve as a reserve in recruiting the extant vegetation. We suggest using the sediment containing rich viable propagules in the actual reconstruction project.
Resource Type:
Peer-reviewed Article
Plant Ecology