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Tathiane Santi Sarcinelli, Yugo Matsuda, Rafael Henrique Baroni , Rodolfo Garuba de Menezes Mota , Bruna Rayane de Araujo Pereira , Guilherme Moro Neto , Clara Luz Braga Sant’Anna
Publication Date:
For Suzano, maintaining healthy ecosystems is the basis for sustaining its business. The company’s Ecological Restoration Program is one of the largest private initiatives in Brazil, responsible for initiating restoration processes in over 31,000 hectares and plant 10.7 million native seedlings in the last decade.
Given the Program’s complexity and geographical extension, it requires significant mobilization of resources. Some relevant technical and social actions have been developed and are in progress, such as: use of software, applications and technologies, such as LIDAR and drones, to support planning and monitoring; implementation of alternative models of restoration mixing native and exotic species; initiatives with vulnerable rural communities for the production of native seedlings; and environmental education for restoring springs in neighboring communities. The Program has been building a network of partners that includes NGOs, universities, financial institutions, customers, and local communities.
Despite the advances we have celebrated so far, this year, driven by the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, we designed Suzano’s Restoration Strategy. In this document, we stated our goals, objectives, and established roles and responsibilities to demonstrate how we intend to carry out ecological restoration on our properties and enhance these actions in territories where we operate until 2030. Our pillars of action are: Management and Control; Research, Development and Innovation; Operational Excellence; Ecological Landscape Restoration; and Knowledge Management. With restoration, we seek to generate shared value, improving the productivity of landscapes, re-establishing environmental services such as carbon sequestration, soil, water and biodiversity conservation, and generating work and income.
Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021
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