SYLVEN® and MICROLIGNUM®: innovative biotechnologies for sustainable ecosystem restoration of industrially disturbed areas

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Evgeniya Smirnova and Martin Beaudoin Nadeau

Publication Date:

The mining industry is an economic engine, which contributes considerable portion in Canadian GDP and in goods exported abroad. However, exists a serious drawback of mining industry all over the world: big scale environment destruction by physical perturbation or contamination. Therefore, sustainable restoration is crucial for public acceptability and successful development of the mining sector in the country. During long time seeding with gramineae species was a common and low-cost way of mine reclamation. This method results in creation of boreal prairie, non-native for the boreal zone. Moreover, post-operational monitoring of seeded sites demonstrated that this method is not sustainable on the long term because the grass cover deteriorates with time. New concept of disturbed land restoration highlights the importance of preserving the continuity and biodiversity of natural boreal ecosystems with all their functions and resilience. From this point, it is important to find the technologies, which will optimise and accelerate the natural ecosystem regeneration processes on disturbed areas. The last 4 years, Viridis Terra has been invested in R&D for the development of new patent-pending technologies called SYLVEN® and MICROLIGNUM® accelerating ecological restoration by emulation of natural succession. These biotechnologies allow the establishment of natural ecosystems with highdensity indigenous tree and shrub communities on industrially disturbed lands. The technology consists of direct sewing of arborescent species and introduction of living woody material on disturbed sites such as: waste rock impoundment, fine tailings, overburden and sand with or without heavy metal contamination and acid mine drainage. During this presentation, we will present the results of some projects in Canada, where SYLVEN® and MICROLIGNUM® technologies were applied.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
