Liagre, L., P. Lara Almuedo, S. Walter, D. McGuire, C. Besacier, R. Matta and M. Conigliaro
Publication Date:
Sustainable financing for forest and landscape restoration – The role of public policy makers is a publication by FAO’s Forest Landscape Restoration Mechanism that shares the experiences of initiatives from around the world, from which public policy makers can learn and adapt. It provides recommendations to help them improve their support to FLR financing by (i) mainstreaming FLR in State budgets, (ii) setting up appropriate financing mechanisms, (iii) engaging the private sector, and (iv) building alliances and partnerships. The main findings are also available as an infographic.
Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan on Ecosystem
This publication and its recommendations can help develop a framework for resource mobilization and the setting up of financing instruments for restoration, in line with activity B9.
- B10: Promote and support capacity-building, training, and technology transfer
Resource Type:
White Paper
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)