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Nadia Papadopoulou, Luisa Mangialajo, Margalida M. Monserrat, Jean-Pierre Cottalorda, Christopher J. Smith, Silvia Bianchelli
Publication Date:
The increased awareness of the importance and opportunities of restoring degraded habitat foster the interaction among scientists (providing the necessary knowledge), decision-makers and managers (looking for healthy and productive habitats in their regions/countries) and the private sector (that can provide the tools for large scale actions). In order to firmly interconnect science, management and business in the framework of the restoration of marine forests, AFRIMED is engaging with stakeholders, creating a business club and organising dedicated products and events. The development of a shared vision of the management of marine forests will help implement relevant strategies/initiatives, create “buy-in” from local communities, develop partnerships and promote the multitude of benefits it provides while preparing the ground for future investments in marine coastal restoration.
As a first action in this framework, an anonymous survey was designed aiming to identify the expectations of stakeholders, including AFRIMED partners ( Additional information collected concerned demographics, stakeholder type and specific role or expertise. Preliminary results showed a high participation of scientists, followed by consultants, NGOs and national/local government. Such contributions highlighted the importance of producing relevant knowledge on restoration techniques, by the way of experimentation in pilot projects, and supporting EU policies and initiatives in line with the global objective of the restoration of degraded habitats in Europe. Networking and sharing best practices will further increase awareness and promote restoration and sustainable use of the ocean creating an inclusive forum in the framework of the blue growth.
Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program