SER-NW Webinar: Beyond Colonial Ecology and Language of the Other

Celeste Williams, Lisa Fink

Publication Date:

Beyond Colonial Ecology and Language of the Other: An Interdisciplinary Approach to “Invasive” Species Management and Education. The latest installment in our Inclusion in Ecological Restoration series is presented by Celeste Williams and Lisa Fink. This presentation will explore the language we use and the relationships we have with plants, animals, and our human communities, focusing on Asian and Asian American communities in particular. The presenters plan to include suggestions and best practices for practicing critical ecological restoration and what to think about when choosing language in everyday discussion and to communicate with the public about species considered invasive. Celeste Mari Williams is an MA student of biology and Seattle playwright striving for voice and visibility for underrepresented communities through arts and science collaborations. Lisa Fink is a PhD candidate in Environmental Sciences, Studies, and Policy, with English as a focal department, at the University of Oregon, where she is currently an Oregon Humanities Center Dissertation Fellow. She conducts interdisciplinary research at the intersection of Native American and Indigenous Studies, Asian American Studies, critical ecology, and feminist science studies.

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Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program

