Seed dispersal networks in tropical forest: restoration of its structure

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Lukas Rodrigues Souza , Débora Cristina Rother

Publication Date:

Given the importance of interactions between dispersers and plants for ecological restoration, modelling becomes a necessary tool to create simplified representations of complex ecological systems to process analysis about the ecosystems. The present study is based on the integration of restoration, birds, and interactions databases. In this sense the main aim of this study was to characterize the potential dispersal networks structure of restoration areas located in the Atlantic Forest domain, with different landscapes context, ages, and restoration methods. An algorithm was carried to estimate potential dispersal networks of 142 restoration projects and to model the most important restoration variables that promote seed dispersal by avian community. As result of the modelling, it was founded that nestedness was significative only in 9 projects, number of interactions was not related with age, and the planting method promoted a greater number of vertices in networks. Further, number of zoochoric species and forest amount had a wide importance to structuring networks. Through the interactions network structure, it was possible to suggest key species for the dispersal networks structure by the metric betweenness centrality. The ecological modelling presented good potential to estimate the most important variables to structure dispersal networks in ecological restoration projects. It also may be useful as a tool for the construction of restoration protocols. Finally, the model used in the present study allows the identification of the main variables responsible to optimize the structuring of dispersal networks and to promote ecological processes inherent to tropical forests.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
