Restoration Planning – From Local to National Platforms

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Miguel Calmon, Luciana Alves, Mariana Oliveira

Publication Date:

Over the last 20+ years hundreds of restoration projects and initiatives have been implemented in Brazil by NGOs, private companies, governments, research institutions, and landowners. During this period Brazil also committed to restore 12 million hectares of degraded lands and forests by 2030, developed a National Plan for the Recovery of Native Vegetation (PLANAVEG), and launched several regional initiatives to accelerate and increase the scale of forest and landscape restoration. Because most restoration efforts have been done at the project level, there is a need to plan and implement restoration at the landscape level in order to achieve those ambitious goals. One of the challenges is the elaboration of action plans that generate multiple benefits for stakeholders at the landscape level. Therefore, different approaches are needed. The Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) and its set of tools, applied in several landscapes in Brazil, not only showed to be an effective methodology to guide and enable restoration at the landscape level but also showed very useful in planning restoration. We present here the lessons-learned of two examples of restoration planning, based on the results of ROAM. The first one is in the Paraiba Valley in São Paulo State and the second in two sub-watersheds (Itaunas and São Mateus) in the north of Espirito Santo state. ROAM provided critical information and the enabling conditions to build effective restoration plans to restore the productivity and functionality of those landscapes and to contribute to Brazil´s national plan and global commitments.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
