Restoration of Wild Salmon in a Canadian National Park

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Stephanie Cruz Maysonet, Stephen D. Murphy

Publication Date:

Populations of the anadromous Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) are endangered in the inner Bay of Fundy (eastern Canada). A regional recovery strategy and action plan guide recovery actions by multiple partners across freshwater and marine habitats. The main recovery approach is based on a captive breeding and rearing program aimed at the conservation of the populations’ genetic characteristics. More recently, a complementary approach has taken the form of a collaboration with aquaculture industry to grow young salmon in marine net pens until maturity to be released back into rivers for spawning. Both of these approaches are applied within Fundy National Park where two rivers provide critical habitat to the Atlantic Salmon. Using a case study approach, we combine document review and interviews with key informants to trace a trajectory of the restoration actions and outcomes for wild salmon in the national park and the role of restoration policies in the development of this trajectory. Our presentation will offer insights on the effectiveness of restoration policies, the impacts of an adaptive management framework, past and persistent challenges, and opportunities for improvement in restoration practice.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
