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Lawrence Mbwambo, Azaria Kilimba and Mxolisi Sibanda
Publication Date:
Forest loss in Tanzania is estimated at 469,000 ha- per- annum. WWF’s Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) work in Tanzania started in the early 2000s spanning over 20 years in different ecosystems from the East Usambara Mountains to coastal and miombo forests in the southern parts of the country. Restoration activities include establishment of Village Land Forest Reserves (VLFRs), woodlots and agroforestry. Nineteen VLFRs and six community forests (CF) were established in the East Usambara making a connectivity corridor of 97 ha. Alternative income generating activities including butterfly farming, fish farming, agroforestry and beekeeping were introduced in the East Usambara to increase benefits from FLR. In the Ruvuma landscape dominated by the dry forest miombo woodlands, our work has scaled up Community-Based Forest Management and established over 40 VLFRs covering about 500,000 ha. We have also promoted timber value addition with introduction of mobile sawmills and group FSC certification. High value trees like Teak and Cedrela have been particularly useful in improving income from for communities. WWF is working with the government to restore over 8,000 ha of remnants of coastal forests near the commercial city of Dar Es Salaam in efforts to support the implementation of the AFR100 pledge of restoring 5.2 million ha of degraded and deforested land by 2030. Emerging approaches include Foresters of the Future program to engage the youth. This presentation will examine these achievements paying particular attention to the factors for success, current challenges and opportunities for forest restoration at scale in Tanzania.
Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program