Restoration of degraded savannah woodland in Namibia

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Manushka Moodley , Progress Kashandula

Publication Date:

Background Bush encroachment is a serious land degradation phenomenon affecting up to 45 million hectares of Namibian land. It has severe negative consequences on key ecosystem services, threatening biodiversity, water resources and the livelihoods of communities and farmers who depend on the land. Objectives To enable forest restoration via the application of responsible forest certification. Methods Implementation of the Forest Stewardship Council’s (FSC) National Forest Stewardship Standard for Namibia and the FSC Ecosystem Services Procedure across private and community managed farms, applying the 10 Principles of responsible forest management. Leverage the sale of the FSC certified products (charcoal) from certified farms to international markets. Conclusion There is a substantial international market demand for responsibly sourced charcoal and other biomass products globally. The use of biomass from encroacher and invasive tree species to fund its thinning and removal from landscapes which are degraded has proven to be a model to which can at least temporarily, restore rangelands whilst ensuring environmental and social values are protected. The sale of verified ecosystem services can provide additional financial benefits to farmers to fund restoration activities at the farm level.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

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