Restoration initiatives in the bauxite mining environment: contributions to Atlantic Forest conservation in Southeast Brazil

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Luiz Henrique Elias Cosimo , Sebastião Venâncio Martins , Wesley da Silva Fonseca

Publication Date:

Brazil has the fourth largest reserve of bauxite in the world and is considered the fourth largest producer of this ore. For this reason, bauxite mining contributes significantly to the country’s socioeconomic development. To ensure sustainability, mining companies need to carry out forest restoration actions both in mined areas and in compensation areas, aiming to recover local biodiversity. The objective of this work was to summarize results of 12 peer-reviewed publications and 2 ongoing studies to access ecological impacts of restoration techniques on biodiversity recover in areas of the Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio (CBA) in Minas Gerais, Southeastern Brazil. In the studies monitoring shrub and tree diversity in 5 restoration areas, 155 native species of the Atlantic Forest were found, 61 in the planting of seedlings, 106 in the inventories for evaluation of these plantings and 92 in natural regeneration. Moreover, 56.1% of all tree and shrub species are dispersed by animals and some of these species are threatened with extinction in native forest patches of the region due to the history of fragmentation of the landscape by the pressure of agriculture and livestock. In the studies monitoring bird community in 3 restoration areas, 85 bird species were found. Importantly, 32.9% of them are frugivorous and play a significant role in seed dispersal. Furthermore, 14.1% are endemic to the Atlantic Forest. Thus, these studies show how forest restoration in the bauxite mining environment is positively impacting biodiversity recover, which participate in fundamental ecological processes.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
