Rehabilitation of Opencast Bauxite Mines in the Northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India

Kaustubh A. Moghe

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We are thrilled to share the inaugural SER-Asia Network (SER-AN) webinar featuring Mr. Kaustubh A. Moghe. He shares his invaluable insights and experiences on the Rehabilitation of opencast bauxite mines in the Northern Western Ghats, Maharashtra, India. Over the course of 7 years and 4 months, Mr. Moghe and his team persevered through numerous obstacles presented by the unique landscape characteristic of the high-altitude lateritic plateaus in the Northern Western Ghats. The lack of soil cover, inert substrate, no drainage, heavy rainfall, and high wind velocity made the rehabilitation of  mines particularly challenging. However, the team employed a thoughtful approach that involved using 51 odd species of native trees, shrubs, and climbers selected based on reference and seral stages encountered in the adjacent forests. Sourcing these species proved to be a major hurdle, but the team overcame it by establishing an in-house nursery. Through their diligent efforts, the team was able to achieve noticeable changes within 5 years. Learn firsthand about the challenges and successes of this remarkable project.

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Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program

SER Asia Network
