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Piet Van Deventer
Publication Date:
Rehabilitation of mine tailings is not necessarily a new science but rather a collection of established technologies and experiences with new approaches and in some cases, it includes new experimental and research results. This presentation discusses a multi-phase rehabilitation approach on the most abundant tailings materials in South Africa by means of case studies and site-specific analytical results. The first and most important objective of tailings rehabilitation is to stabilise the surface to prevent or minimise wind and water erosion. The most appropriate principle is to follow a multi-phase approach and the first is to identify the site-specific attributes which have a major or composite influence on the end product. These are (in alphabetic order):
Geochemistry: dispersiveness, EC, K fixation-deficiency
Landscape functionality *
Microbiology: enzyme activity
Mineralogy: AMD
Organic carbon: C:N ratio, soil microbiology
Slope geometry: slope angle and length
Soil quality and health
Species selection
Surface covers: top soil, rock armour, rock cladding, amelioration
Texture: particle size distribution
The following phase is to prioritize these attributes according to their real time environmental quality in terms of their influence on the long-term functionality of the rehabilitation end product. Thereafter it is up to the rehabilitation scientists to determine the follow-up phases.
Resource Type:
Audio/Video, Conference Presentation, SER2019
Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
Society for Ecological Restoration