Reciprocal Model for Meeting Ecological and Human Needs in Restoration Projects

Geist, C. and S.M. Galatowitsch

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We propose a model that shows that the ecological needs of the restoration area have the greatest potential to be met when human contributions are greatest. In turn, humans benefit increasingly as the restored ecosystem recovers. As human needs are addressed over time, their potential contributions to the restoration area increase. The extent to which contributions meet needs is enhanced or constrained by factors ranging from available technology and funding to community support. This ongoing loop of interactions between needs and contributions provides a basis for restoration planning and implementation which potentially reduces both ecological and human roadblocks to success. The model suggests that community- based projects will be most successful when experts train the group in restoration decision making, when expertise and leadership are developed within the group, and when participants experience group cohesiveness and a sense of personal reward.

Resource Type:
Peer-reviewed Article

Conservation Biology
