Re-emerging Strategies to Enhance Plant Establishment in Dryland Systems

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Elise S. Gornish

Publication Date:

Many applied researchers have spent the past decade attempting to develop sophisticated restoration methods to arrest and mitigate land degradation in dryland systems that result from climate change, invasion of non native species and land transformation. Despite the promise of newly developed approaches, many techniques developed by academic researchers are not actually useful in the field due to enormous logistic or monetary infeasibility of deployment at management-relevant scales. As a result, ancient approaches to land management are regaining popularity for use in restoration programs. However, many of these approaches have not been formally tested in a way to determine best management practices. In this talk, I will describe recent research that explores the utility of several old-school land management approaches, including rock lunas, seedballs, and fertile islands. I will describe when and how each approach might be employed as a successful strategy to address restoration challenges in dryland systems. This presentation is part of the accepted SER symposium entitled ‘Advancing restoration science to overcome dryland regeneration failures’

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
