Melo, F.P.L., S.R.R. Pinto, P.H.S. Brancalion, P.S. Castro, R.R. Rodrigues, J. Aronson and M. Tabarelli
Publication Date:
Ongoing conversion of tropical forests makes it urgent to invest in ecological restoration on
grand scales in order to promote biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services. The
4-year old Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact (AFRP) aims to restore 15,000,000 ha of tropical
forest in 40 years. The approaches and lessons learned appear transferable, and could help
achieve the global restoration targets. Fundamental prerequisites for success include:
effective technology undergoing continuous improvement, ongoing teaching, outreach
and capacity-building efforts, presence of local intelligentsia, maintaining a clear and
transparent legal environment, and presence of effective economic instruments and incentives
for landowners.
Resource Type:
Peer-reviewed Article
Environmental Science and Policy