Prescribed Fire – A Tool for Grassland Restoration

Dr. Eric Lamb

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Native grasslands require periodic disturbance to maintain ecological integrity. Typical disturbances are from fire and grazing, both of which have been removed or suppressed from many grasslands, particularly near cities. Grasslands are resilient to fire and normally do not sustain long-term damage, however there are a range of short-term fire effects that will affect both grassland productivity and species diversity. These short-term effects include 1) enhancement of diversity by thatch reduction, suppression of competitive species, and fire-induced germination. My research program examines the role of fire in grasslands, including the reintroduction of fire to conservation grasslands. In this webinar I will discuss fire impacts on grasslands and my experiences working with conservation agencies to safely reintroduce fire. Speaker: Dr. Eric Lamb – Associate Professor, Department of Plant Science at University of Saskatchewan.

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Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program

