Practical Restoration Design, Implementation, and Management for Coastal and Inland Wetlands – Three Case Studies

SER and Society of Wetland Scientists

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Co-hosted by SER and Society of Wetland Scientists. Use of Living Shorelines for Nature-Based Shoreline Protection – Kevin Du Bois The use of traditional bulkheads, seawalls, and rip rap revetments along low to moderate wave energy shorelines has led to the loss of valuable marine resources and the ecosystem services they provide. “Living Shorelines” are nature-based approaches for shoreline protection that conserve, create, or restore natural shoreline habitats. This presentation will provide an overview of Living Shoreline design and benefits and provide before-and-after photographs to illustrate project successes. Kevin R. Du Bois is a certified Professional Wetland Scientist, Professional Wetland Delineator, and Certified Floodplain Manager. Over his career, Mr. Du Bois has worked as a state Fisheries Biologist, Sensitive Land Acquisition Specialist, USFWS Endangered Species Biologist, wetland regulator, and environmental educator. Mr. Du Bois has worked for the Navy for 2+ years providing Installation and Regional level services as a NEPA, Natural Resources, and Cultural Resources Project Manager. Mr. Du Bois currently serves as the DoD Chesapeake Bay Program Coordinator. Little Pine Island Mitigation Bank, Lee County, Florida and Lake Wales Forest Mitigation and Net Ecosystem Benefit Site, Polk County, Florida – Kevin Erwin The Little Pine Island Mitigation Bank in Lee County, Florida entailed restoration of 4,670± acres of coastal fringe wetlands and uplands that were drained by canals and infested with exotic trees, primarily Melaleuca and Brazilian pepper. This project included the restoration of 48.3± acres of mosquito ditches back to native habitat. The Lake Wales Forest Mitigation and Net Ecosystem Benefit Site in Polk County, Florida is a successful restoration project that encompasses a complex mosaic of hardwood swamp forests, freshwater marshes, and xeric scrub habitat on the Lake Wales Ridge. Both of these world-class restoration projects werefeatured as case studies in the United Nations Environment Program report entitled “Dead Planet, Living Planet – Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration for Sustainable Development” (Nellemann, C. and E. Corcoran, eds. 2010). Kevin Erwin is an internationally recognized, Ecological Society of America certified senior ecologist (1985), specializing in large-scale wetland restoration, biodiversity conservation, and watershed evaluation. Since 1980 he has served as the President and Principal Ecologist of Kevin L. Erwin Consulting Ecologist, Inc. and is also a Courtesy Faculty Member of Florida Gulf Coast University in the Department of Marine & Ecological Sciences.

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