Plenary session. The EU Restoration Law: A New Hope

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The EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, adopted in May 2020, aims to strengthen the EU legal framework for nature restoration, including the development of a new EU restoration law in 2021, with legally binding EU nature restoration targets. In this presentation we discuss the various elements that we consider to be important for the new law. The issues discussed include the following: do we really need yet another law; what is the existing legal framework on restoration; what can or should be the relationship between existing and new legislation; how can restoration be defined in the law; what can be the targets, the geographical scope, the ambition level; which baseline should be used; how will states prioritize restoration activities; what are the legal tools to achieve the restoration targets; should the law include performance standards on restoration; how will the efforts be monitored? As the law will be under development at the time of the conference, no definitive answers on many of these issues can be given. But this presentation aims at clarifying the legal issues and challenges, as well as pointing to the relevance and role for restoration scientists in the development and implementation of the law.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
