People and Reefs: Successes and Challenges in the Management of Coral Reef Marine Protected Areas


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This report includes seven case studies from the Wider Caribbean Region. The first one focuses on the capacity building opportunity provided by the UNEP-CEP training of trainers programme, while the second study looks at the community-based coastal resource management and marine biodiversity conservation experience in Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve, Mexico. The third project analyses rules and zoning issues in the management plan of Chinchorro Banc Biosphere Reserve, Mexico. The opportunities and challenges of using admission fees as a funding source at a small scale, tourism dependant MPA, Bonaire, are presented in the fourth study. The fifth example of reserve management, describes how – from MPA implementation to today – relationships have been strengthened to ensure effective management in the Soufriere Marine Management Area (SMMA). The sixth case study details the role of the honorary game wardens and fisheries inspectors of the Portland Bight Protected Area, Jamaica, in the context of community policing and the country’s “culture of system-beating”. The seventh study depicts the process of conflict resolution between inter-sectoral stakeholders in the Buccoo Reef Marine Park coastal zone, Tobago, using Pigeon Point as an example.

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