Partnering with Nature: The case for natural regeneration in forest and landscape restoration

Chazdon, R.L., B. Bodin, M. Guariguata, D. Lamb, B. Walder, U. Chokkalingam and K. Shono

Publication Date:

Natural regeneration is a cost-effective, nature-based tool for restoration that enhances resilience, supports local biodiversity, and supplies multiple ecosystem goods and services. However, for social, cultural and economic reasons, the potential of natural regeneration for achieving large-scale restoration objectives and climate mitigation targets is often overlooked. This information brief makes specific recommendations for policy changes that could enhance the role of natural regeneration in ecological restoration interventions and as an integral component of forest and landscape restoration.

Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan on Ecosystem Restoration:
This policy brief describes the potential for natural regeneration, identifies areas where it might be most appropriate, in line with activity C1, and discusses policy changes needed to facilitate its implementation, consistent with activity B1.

STAPER categories:
  • B1: Review, improve or establish legal, policy and financial frameworks for restoration
  • C1: Identify appropriate measures for conducting ecosystem restoration

Resource Type:
White Paper

Convention on Biological Diversity, Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative
