Participatory ecological restoration as a didactic strategy: Guarumo’s experience in Sarapiquí, Heredia, Costa Rica

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Fiorella R.-Durán, Alejandra Perez-Enriquez

Publication Date:

The concept of ecological restoration is not always close to the public in tropical zones of ecological fragility such as Sarapiquí, Heredia, Costa Rica. In this locality, the rapid change in land use and the low human development indices contrast with some ecological restoration and sustainable development initiatives. For this reason, a project named Guarumo was developed with the objective of promoting natural and social connectivity between high school students and the local biological corridor through ecological restoration, the democratization of science, and the union of local actors. Sessions were developed over eight months with students from San José del Rio High School. The activities were based on constructivist pedagogies, learning from experience, popular education, and participatory methodologies. After the sessions, students showed greater interest in science and university education. The topics covered also reinforced the learning of t heir biology, chemistry, and physics courses. In addition, the proposal allowed us to put into practice the concepts discussed by means of field trips, laboratories, and their participation in a real project of ecological restoration of the community. This methodology demonstrated the great potential of ecological restoration as a thematic line for the development of environmental and scientific education programs in a rural school, especially considering the lack of practical experiences in these subjects in the public education system of Costa Rica.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
