One decade of ecological restoration networking in France: achievements and perspectives at national and international level.

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Alma Heckenroth, Sandra Malavai

Publication Date:

For a few decades, ecological restoration and nature-based solutions have expanded worldwide. In the context of global change, this phenomenon has been accelerating in the last years as knowledge is growing along with political interest and demand for restoration. Founded in 2008, the French restoration network REVER* is inspired by organizations like the Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) and is affiliated to its European Chapter (SERE) since 2014, and gathers hundreds of researchers, practitioners and students. It aims to promote restoration by facilitating horizontal exchanges and collaborations between practitioners, scientists, environmental managers, companies, etc. By co-organizing annual workshops, REVER provides regular feedbacks and assessment of the restoration practices in a diversity of habitats and environmental contexts and creates opportunities to discuss the evolution of the field. The next event will be held in the French Alps in June 2021 and will be focused on soils and plant-soil interactions. REVER provides the French restoration community with links to international networks and to French institutions, such as the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB) or National Botanical Conservatories. Through educative programs, the network contributes to improve practices and to train future practitioners. Despite Covid-19 context, a national summer school has been held in Brittany in 2020 about monitoring in restoration. REVER is also a member of national committees and councils to promote a better inclusion of ecosystem functions and issues in national policies. Founding member of A-IGECO**, an organization gathering numerous ecological engineering stakeholders, REVER contributes to develop the ecological restoration economy. After more than one decade however, due to lack of manpower and funding, REVER did not manage to create a national database drawing up an inventory of restoration sites, their characteristics and geolocalization. REVER aims to thus push for the creation of this database and to develop more collaborations with other local or regional networks and to contribute to the objectives of reduction of the biodiversity losses and habitat destruction through national and international actions.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
