New Trajectories for Binational Restoration Partnerships: Restoration of the Colorado River Delta

Dr. Osvel Hinojosa-Huerta, Jennifer Pitt

Publication Date:

After a century of water development under a legal framework that did not recognize nature as a legitimate water user, the Colorado River today rarely flows to the sea, and its 600,000 ha delta ecosystem has been reduced to a mere 10% of its original size. Environmental NGOs from the United States and Mexico have worked together for nearly two decades to restore riparian and wetland habitats and re-establish a modest connection between the flowing Colorado River and the Upper Gulf of California, for the benefit of nature and people. In the context of a broad dialog to improve Colorado River management at the border to create climate resilience, the two countries have adopted a series of formal, diplomatic agreements that address a suite of mutually beneficial activities that includes environmental restoration. The agreements include commitments of resources (dollars and water) towards a collaborative effort between federal, state, and local governments, NGOs, universities, and communities to initiate environmental restoration activities, while a binational science team informs policy formation and evaluates program implementation. During this webinar, we will replay a keynote presentation from SER2021 and then host a live Q&A with presenters Jennifer Pitt and Osvel Hinojosa-Huerta.

Resource Type:

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program

