Modern Monitoring Methods for Meadow Mending Mastery

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Jacob Kollen , Patrick Jarrett , Austin Hall , Brooke Watkins , Matt Meyers

Publication Date:

Wet meadow restoration often targets a wide range of ecological issues. However, few comprehensive field studies have been performed to verify the performance of these restoration activities. For the impacted Deer Creek Meadow at the boundary of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada mountain ranges in California, USA, our team is fortunate to have the opportunity to establish and execute a monitoring strategy prior to the design and construction of a restoration project. This enables us to gather pre- and post-project monitoring datasets to aid in establishing realistic restoration goals. Here, we present our preliminary monitoring approach and datasets to solicit feedback. The restoration will treat the incised channel likely through raising of the streambed. The rise of the stream’s water surface elevation will likely extend into the riparian zone, reducing the depth to groundwater. We hypothesize that a decrease in groundwater depth will support the recovery of hydric vegetation by reducing the pressure gradient that plants must exert to draw water out of the soil. This recovery will likely result in the increase in the rate of evapotranspiration due to plant uptake. Our primary goal is to validate this hypothesis with field data. Additionally, we would like to monitor if our restoration treatments lead to increased summer base flows and reductions to summer water temperatures. We are eager to show a recently collected aerial drone-derived high-resolution digital surface model and orthoimage showing the impacted meadow and some associated preliminary datasets.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
