Maintaining and Restoring Biodiversity in European Boreal Forests by Developing Natural Disturbance Regimes

Angelstam, P.K.

Publication Date:

Three main disturbance regimes are distinguished in the European boreal forest, based on the complex interactions between probabilistic (e.g. mean fire intervals at different site types) and random events (e.g. where and when a fire occurs): (1) gap-phase Picea abies dynamics; (2) succession from young to old-growth mixed deciduous/coniferous forest; and (3) multi-cohort Pinus sylvestris dynamics. The model stems mainly from studies in Fennoscandia, but some studies from outside this region are reviewed to provide support for a more general application of the model. The model has been implemented in planning systems on the landscape level of several large Swedish forest enterprises, and is also used as an educational tool to help private land owners with the location and realization of forest management regimes. Finally, the model can be used to develop an administrative system for the monitoring of biodiversity in boreal forest.

Resource Type:
Peer-reviewed Article

Journal of Vegetation Science
