LIFE Nieblas – Reforestation & Climate Change Mitigation: tests, evaluation and transfer of innovative methods based on fog collection

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CARABASSA, Vicenç; DOMENE, Xavier; BRANDON, Rainero; GONZÁLEZ, Francisco; REGALADO, Carlos; BORGES, Gabriela; MARTEL, Gilberto ; MOTA, Andre ; VIERA, Gustavo

Publication Date:

The impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly perceptible and severe. Many semi-arid regions are suffering significant declines in water availability and temperature increases. This has led to faster desertification and more forest fires. It is necessary to implement adaptation measures aimed at reducing the vulnerability of these ecosystems and strengthening their resilience. LIFE Nieblas aims to evaluate the mitigation of the different impacts and effects of climate change by testing innovative methodologies of reforestation. These innovative methodologies, based on the collection of fog water for watering the planted seedlings on restoration projects, do not significantly increase the carbon footprint, and in some cases, it could even reduce it compared with the traditional methodologies. Their effectiveness and their costs and benefits, including as far as possible the externalities they produce, will be taken into account. The main goals of the project are: • Demonstrate and disseminate the effectiveness, efficiency and capacity of the innovative methodologies and the equipment linked to them in contrast to traditional methodologies. • Create synergies between the results of the Project and reforestation, environmental, agrarian, and energy and water management sectors and policies in the EU. • Awareness and consciousness raising on the relevance of forest covers (and specially the laurel one) regarding water resources; showing the environmental (and for the improvement of the resilience to Climate Change) importance of its conservation, recovery, and extension.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
