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Ana Nava, Robin Salter

Publication Date:

Background The LIFE programme is the European Union (EU)’s funding instrument for environment and climate action. It has co-financed more than 5 500 projects across the EU and beyond1 , and it represents the largest and most efficient financial mechanism for social-ecological restoration in Europe. Objectives A video will be produced to show how the LIFE programme contribution enables conservation actions to achieve ecological restoration in the EU. More specifically, the video is aimed at sharing LIFE best practices with a general public, as well as at inspiring professionals working in ecological restoration worldwide to take action (local authorities, technicians, private landowners…). Methods Selected successful LIFE projects from numerous EU countries and different biogeographical areas will be contacted to provide audiovisual material that highlights their achievements on restoration actions to combat biodiversity loss, climate change and adverse effect of inappropriate land use. Examples may include, among others, LIFE to alvars, Cumbrian BogsLIFE+, and LIFE-GREEN4GREY. Expected results One informative clip of around 1-2 minutes will highlight new approaches and innovative techniques within ecological restoration. A simple but well-structured script, supported with keywords and other engaging elements, will result in an attractive and inspiring video that will feature in #SER2021. It will be promoted through LIFE’s social media and other suitable communication channels such as the LIFE newsletter. Dissemination actions will of course be tailored to the event’s objectives and happen in accordance with relevant dates in its calendar.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
