Klamath Basin Integrated Fisheries Restoration and Monitoring Plan: Basin Wide Restoration Prioritization to Enable Ongoing Adaptive Management

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Clint Alexander, Natascia Tamburello

Publication Date:

The vision of the Klamath Basin IFRMP (https://kbifrm.psmfc.org/) is to provide a unifying framework for planning the coordinated restoration and recovery of native fish species from the headwaters of the Klamath River to the Pacific Ocean, while improving flows, water quality, habitat and ecosystem processes. The IFRMP will provide a blueprint that describes the highest priority flow, water quality, and ecosystem process (“habitat”) restoration and monitoring actions that in combination with related restoration initiatives can help reverse the declines of multiple native Klamath Basin fish populations. The recent focus of IFRMP development has been finalizing and iteratively applying a multi-criterion scoring methodology for systematic, repeatable, and transparent ranking of restoration actions for focal fish populations throughout the entire Klamath Basin. Information to complete prioritization was collected from a combination of (1) Phase 1 and 2 IFRMP synthesis and inventory efforts, (2) individual sub-basin practitioner surveys, and (3) iterative collaborative sub-basin team peer review webinars. The data and mechanics needed to execute this approach are unified in the web-based Klamath IFRMP Restoration Prioritization Tool (http://klamath.essa.com; and see https://youtu.be/qyh6jS3j8ik). The Tool allows different prioritization scenarios to be created that consist of combinations of weighting factors on the individual scoring criteria (e.g., based on perceptions of importance of multi-species benefits vs. focusing on individual species, etc.). The Tool will directly support future Adaptive Management in the Klamath Basin, through iterative updating every 2-3 years as restoration is conducted, pressures in different locations shift, natural disturbances unfold, and monitoring generates new information on the effectiveness of restoration actions.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
