Key lessons learned for the future of forest landscape restoration of Upper Parana Ecoregion/Atlantic Forest

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Daniel Arrifano Venturi, Taruhim Quadros, Claudia Amicone, Lucia Lazzari, Oscar Rodas, Anita Diederichsen

Publication Date:

Between 1998 and 2003, WWF-Brasil, WWF-Paraguay and Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina brought together more than 70 institutions and experts to define an ‘ecoregion vision’ for the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest (UPAF), producing a solid document that was to serve as the foundation for future interventions. Four implementation phases followed, with restoration at the core of the interventions. Both institutions have collaborated with numerous actors, from national governments to local farmers and indigenous communities, as well as other NGOs, private sector and scientific bodies. Capacity building has centred on improving knowledge about both the ecosystem and ways of restoring it. Tenure, policies, informal decision-making processes and linking global targets to on the ground action have been important governance issues explored and addressed in forest landscape restoration (FLR) in the UPAF. Key lessons learned emerged from this work and are inspiring the Trinational Alliance for the Atlantic Forest Restoration (TAFR). TARF is a multisectoral movement, created in 2019, that aims to promote the articulation of different actors and public, private and civil institutions in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay in favor of restoring the UPAF. The future of UPAF depends on articulated investments and actions, aligned with this integrated vision, between institutions interested in FLR in the three countries. Based on TARF´s stakeholders, these efforts need to support continued capacity building and technical exchange, forest restoration implementation and monitoring based on strong geospatial databases, strengthening of restoration supply chain and creation/strengthening of institutional arrangements that can upscale co-investments and the impacts on UPAF.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
