World Database on Key Biodiversity Areas

Key Biodiversity Areas Partnership

Publication Date:

The World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas hosts data on Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs). This database can support strategic decisions on protected areas by governments, business and civil society towards achieving global biodiversity targets. It also guides the identification of sites under international environmental conventions and in the setting of private sector policies and standards. The database is managed by BirdLife International on behalf of the KBA Partnership, which comprises 13 partners and is served by the KBA secretariat hosted jointly by BirdLife International and IUCN. Data on KBAs from the database are made freely available through the KBA website.

Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan on Ecosystem Restoration:
The planning of restoration interventions and their location can also draw on assessments of areas of global importance for biodiversity such as Key Biodiversity Areas. Map data can be used in combination with other data for GIS analysis to identify and prioritize areas for restoration (A2).

STAPER categories:
  • A2: Identify/prioritize locations for meeting national contributions to Aichi Targets

Resource Type:
Web-based Resource

KBA Partnership
