Integrated Mining-Agroforestry restoration projects as a means to obtain and maintain social licence in the context of climate change

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Martin Beaudoin Nadeau and Louis Guay

Publication Date:

Many mining projects in the world are located in areas with already degraded landscapes and soils, especially in tropical and developing countries. Such soils and landscapes can be restored by means of smartly using innovative and highly productive biotechnologies. The competencies required for this restoration process straddle mining and forestry/agroforestry sectors. They consist in integrating an agroforestry/forestry component to extractive project planning and operations including in the mining, the progressive remediation of mined areas, the social and community development and the environmental management plans. In this context, such an approach aims at providing innovative ecological restoration and eco-engineering technologies, infrastructures and on-site expertise not only to mitigate, in a progressive manner the environmental impacts of mining operations, but also create alternative and economically viable livelihoods to communities (restoring agricultural and forestry productivity allowing the production of commercially valuable goods and services such as timber, agri-food products and biodiversity and carbon offset credits); thereby, promoting the obtention and maintenance of social license and increased natural resilience and contributing to Climate Change mitigation and adaptation. An integrated mining/agroforestry project leads to the implementation of a common and mutually beneficial watershed-based developmental project with positive and lasting impacts resulting from interactions between all the impacted stakeholders. Coupling mining and agroforestry constitutes an innovative, economical and effective approach towards dealing with environmental and socio-economic and cultural challenges encountered by natural resources projects. In this presentation, benefits of this new innovative approach to mining sector and its sustainable and durable development will be discussed.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
