Initiative 20×20: The road traveled supporting NDC’s and a path to follow in landscape restoration

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Walter Vergara and Rene Zamora-Cristales

Publication Date:

Initiative 20×20 was launched in 2014 with a goal to initiate restoration processes on 20 Mha by the end of 2020. At COP 25 and in the context of results achieved, Ministries from the region set the goals for the next stage of this road at 50 M ha by the end of 2030 with 30 M ha included in the 2030 NDC goals. Many of the countries in the region have shown an indication to put forward new aspiring goals in 2021 by including restoration targets into the updated NDCs for mitigation and adaptation. This presentation will focus on how restoration as a nature-based solution is contributing to achieving multiple development goals in the region and how regional platforms are helping to provide technical assistance, facilitate private funding, and maintain the political dialog and relevance.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation

Pre-approved for CECs under SER's CERP program
