In vitro asymbiotic germination of some indigenous terrestrial orchids of the Maltese Islands

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Paul Vincent Muscat , Arthur Lamoliere, Marco Iannaccone, Joseph Buhagiar

Publication Date:

In vitro seed germination used to propagate terrestrial orchids ensures rapid protocorm growth under optimal conditions. This research aims at optimising in vitro asymbiotic germination to increase survival rate of protocorms during and post acclimatization. Mature capsules of three indigenous orchid species namely Anacamptis coriophora, Ophrys bombyliflora and Serapias parviflora were collected before dehiscence and stored at room temperature. Seed sterilization was achieved by soaking in 5% sodium hypochlorite solution followed by germination on various media supplemented with different growth regulators. Abiotic variables tested included different temperature regimes, relative humidity and different sucrose concentration which were analyzed at different stages of plantlet formation. Orchid seeds were considered germinated after rhizoids formation. Malmgren’s modified orchid medium, supplied with 5% coconut milk and 1μM 6-benzylaminopurine has shown high germination percentages (95.7%, 90.2%, 93.7% respectively) as well as the fastest maturation rates (12, 35, 24 days) till rhizoid formation at 20°C in the dark. A. coriophora plantlets formed a well-defined bulbous root in less than six months on the same medium supplied with 10% sucrose. At present, well-developed plantlets of the three species plantlets are awaiting to be acclimatized. The study developed a successful method for the in vitro propagation for these indigenous orchids (Figure 1). Further studies are envisaged including the association with their natural fungal symbiont, the production of axenic fungal cultures and testing these on the plantlets to aid ex vitro acclimatization. This study is a collaboration with the SiMaSeed project intended for habitat restoration of Natura2000 sites in the Maltese Islands.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

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