Guidance and tool protocols for assessing the climate change mitigation benefits of landscape restoration

Megan Critchley, George Syder, Juliet Mills, Carina Pohnke, Charlotte Ghali, Caroline Sourzac-Lami , Tom Bradfer-Lawrence, Julie Hammer-Monart, Ashton Berry, Lera Miles and Rob Field

Publication Date:

This document sets out the ethos, tools, and methods used to provide a greenhouse gas (GHG) balance estimate for restoration projects, using projects from the Endangered Landscapes Programme as a case study. The document provides guidance on using two GHG assessment tools, EX-ACT and the Carbon Benefits Project toolkit, to estimate the climate change mitigation benefit of landscape-scale restoration projects and the restoration activities they include.

Relevance for the Short Term Action Plan on Ecosystem Restoration:
This report helps to understand and demonstrate how ecosystem restoration can contribute to national and international targets for climate change mitigation (activity B6)

STAPER categories:
  • A4: Assess the costs/benefits of ecosystem restoration
  • C3: Develop ecosystem restoration plans with clear/measurable objectives and goals  
  • D1: Assess the efficacy and effects of implementing the ecosystem restoration plan

Resource Type:
Technical Document

Endangered Landscapes Programme
