From Degradation to Restoration: An Assessment of the Enabling Conditions for Community Forestry in Nepal

B.K. Pokharel, T. Stadtmu_ller and J-L. Pfund

Publication Date:

This paper provides an analysis of key factors and enabling conditions for community based forest resource management, which led to the emergence and consolidation of local institutions and organizations devoted to promoting community forestry in Nepal. A collective effort to establish good forest governance systems at local level was eventually able to combat forest degradation effectively, to improve forest conditions and forest agriculture interface successfully, leading to effective forest landscape restoration. It is shown that forest degradation in the past was essentially the outcome of non-consultative ways of policy making, inappropriate policies, wrong institutional arrangements and a controlling legislative framework instead of promoting active participation by local stakeholders. Learning from mistakes and continuous joint efforts of a wide range of actors have brought positive changes in the productive capacity of forests, availability of wood and non-wood forest products, improvement of agricultural productivity and supplementary income to local communities.

Resource Type:
Technical Document

Nepal Swiss Community Forestry Project
