Forest Landscape Restoration initiatives in the Brazilian Amazon

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Danielle Celentano, Miguel Moraes, Andreia Pinto, Alexandre Cunha, Joice Ferreira, Milton Kanashiro, Marlúcia Martins, Rodrigo Freire, Thais Ferreira Maier, Fernanda Rodrigues, Catarina Jakovac, Sâmia Nunes, Lívia Rangel, Eduardo Malta, Marcelo Ferronato, Dimitrio Schievenin, Thiago Belote, Bruno Coutinho, André Nahur, Miguel Calmon, Denis Conrado da Cruz

Publication Date:

Alliance for Amazon Restoration is a multi-institutional and multisectoral articulation created in 2017 whose main objective is to promote, qualify and expand the scale of forest landscapes restoration in the Brazilian Amazon. It currently consists of 80 member institutions (10 governmental, 13 academic and research institutions, 21 companies, and 36 from civil society). In 2020, the Alliance made a systematically survey through both primary and secondary data collection and identified 2,773 forest restoration initiatives in the Brazilian Amazon, totaling 113,500 hectares. Productive restoration through Agroforestry Systems (AFS) accounts for most initiatives (59%), but ecological restoration through seedlings planting represents 59% of the area under restoration. Civil society organizations are responsible for most initiatives (2,426), while companies account for 52% of the total area under restoration. Most of the initiatives (79%) are small-scale (areas smaller than 5 hectares). The Alliance for Amazon Restoration recommends expanding the scale of restoration in the Amazon, through a positive agenda focused on compliance and improvement of legislation, the development of sustainable production chains, and the engagement of all sectors – all of whom must commit to combat deforestation and promote forest restoration. The restoration of degraded areas and the organization of productive chains can generate work and income for the communities and contribute to the consolidation of a forest-based green economy with sustainable products from socio-biodiversity and ecosystem services – creating economic value for the standing forest.

Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021

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