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Trevor Walter and Anita Toledo Barros Diederichsen
Publication Date:
The scale of global forest loss is staggering. The protection and sustainable management of ecosystems, as well as halting deforestation and conversion are well agreed upon measures. However, the current area of natural ecosystems is not enough to bend the curve for biodiversity, climate and human wellbeing. WWF is catalysing the concordant, key acceleration of forest and landscape restoration (FLR), already underway, to recover these values in degraded and deforested landscapes through an internal platform called the FLR Transformation Initiative in Latin America. Countries in the region have made commitments to restore over 50 million hectares though the 20×20 Initiative, contributing to the Bonn Challenge goal. Yet, there is a gap between discourse and action. Enabling conditions are lacking, spanning a wide range of areas, from political will to on the ground capacity, from financial resources to plant availability. WWF works across Latin America with in-country presence in 14 countries addressing historical drivers of ecosystem degradation, governance, markets and finance, shifting these paradigms for transformative change to scale up action in our region. Our Initiative integrates other key strategies, such as protection, sustainable use and reducing conversion. WWF´s presence, landscape approach and stakeholders engagement works to catalyse and leverage opportunities across scales for the local to the national to the regional to international. Relatively stable sociopolitical frameworks in the region, though not always inclined to restoration, provide a platform with decision-makers where FLR can prosper supported by this multi-stakeholder landscape approach.
Resource Type:
Conference Presentation, SER2021
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